Exploration decisions are based on the numbers that are supposed to represent the Prospects in a Exploration Portfolio. For optimal decision making it is therefore essential that there is good understanding of the Prospects and that the numbers are a good representations of this understanding.
However, often companies are in a situation where they do not fully understand the value of their portfolio because of incomplete understanding of the prospects and their numerical representation.
If your company is in such a situation, we offer consulting services to address that situation with comprehensive in-house Prospect Portfolio reviews (jointly with your QA-QC team) that will result in increased understanding of the value of the Prospects and Prospect Portfolio. With these reviews we focus on:
Prospect Evaluation in its Play context (to increase the understanding)
Quantitative Evaluation of Prospect Risk and Volumes (to improve the accuracy of the numbers)
Coaching of staff by going through the technical rigor of such an assessment
Depending of the size of the Portfolio such an effort can take between 1 week and several months. It will result in an improved understanding of the Exploration Opportunities and consequently into better Exploration Decisions.