Resource Cluster
This tool can be used to:
Risk-Merge Multiple Objective that form part of one Prospect. This operation calculates the Merged Volume distribution and the associated risk.
Merge Multiple Prospects into a Prospect Cluster. This operation calculates the Cluster Volume distribution and the associated risk
Up to 5 Resources can be combined into one Cluster (resulting in a maximum of 32 Cluster Permutations). More than 5 resources can be combined by using a stepped approach (first combining resources into subset-clusters, then combining subset-clusters into the final cluster).
The Resource Clustering Tool uses a Montecarlo Method to calculate the Cluster-Volume and Cluster-Pos. The number of samples in the simulations can be selected (between 1K and 100K, the former is fast and gives instant feedback, the latter is more accurate, but more time consuming)
Volume Correlation (between Resource Volumes) and Risk-Association (between Resource Risk) are an essential part of the calculation:
The Volume Correlation between individual input Resources is defined by a Correlation Matrix.
The Risk Association between individual input Resources is either defined by 1) a Correlation Matrix, or 2) a Risk-Association Coefficient.
User Interface
The User Interface of the Application consists of two parts, 1) The Application Form and 2) the Excel Database to store Evaluations.
User Interface: GoExplore Resource Clustering Tool