GoExplore Consulting -Calculate Polygon Areas from PowerPoint Slides

PowerPoint Polygon Areas

This free utility helps calculate Areas of Polygons drawn on PowerPoint slides

Images of maps and cross-sections are essential in understanding hydrocarbon opportunities and PowerPoint files have become ubiquitous in the presentation and documentation of these opportunities.

This small PowerPoint-add-in allows you to calculate Prospect Area’s from map-images present in PowerPoint files (assuming that you know the scale of the map and that the map has not been stretched/distorted)

To use the utility download the zip-file and install the add-in by clicking on the setup file.

After installation, the utility is accessible under the “Insert Tab" of the PowerPoint Ribbon

PowerPoint addin Polygon Area Menu.JPG

On the GoExplore Menu section you will see three commands:

Insert Scale Bar: This command insert a scale bar on the current slide, you can relocate, rotate and resize the scale bar so as to match a known distance on the picture,

Enclosed Area: This command calculate the enclosed area of polygons that were drawn on the slide

Line Length: This command calculate the line length of polygons that were drawn on the slide

User Interface: GoExplore PowerPoint Polygon Areas

User Interface: GoExplore PowerPoint Polygon Areas